5 Ups & 5 Downs From Destiny: Rise Of Iron

4. The Plaguelands

Destiny Plaguelands

Just like the Taken King with the Dreadnaught, Rise of Iron brought forth a new patrol area in the Plaguelands. While the Plaguelands aren't nearly as brand new as the Dreadnaught, as it's just another patrol area on Earth, it still certainly feels fresh.

The Plaguelands are overrun with SIVA, and the name "Plaguelands" certainly does make sense when you can see just how downtrodden the area looks. The SIVA has seemingly taken over while the fresh blanket of snow makes it seem even more desolate than the Cosmodrome does.

Speaking of the Cosmodrome, it is actually accessible from the Plaguelands without having to return to orbit. It makes it seem like one huge patrol area now and you can certainly see the effects of SIVA didn't stop in the Plaguelands. The Fallen Walker that would show up in public events in The Divide is destroyed and under a blanket of snow. SIVA has started to take over the Rocketyard and more. It's a great new area that somewhat shows the power of SIVA and the changes it made to the Cosmodrome are more than welcome.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.