5 Ups & 5 Downs From Destiny: Rise Of Iron

2. Sepiks Perfected

destiny rise of iron

Flash back to year one of Destiny and the first strike you ever encountered. You went up against Sepiks, at a time before you had an Icebreaker, a Gjallarhorn, or a Black Hammer. Back before the strike was a cakewalk. You probably struggled through it at first, but made some awesome memories.

Fast forward to Rise of Iron, two years after that first encounter with Sepiks and it's back, but this time even stronger, but so are you. Aside from the trip down memory lane, the Sepiks Perfected strike is one of the best put together in the game. Sepiks Perfected is no different from most strikes in the game that are "go here shoot this then go here and shoot this," but the magic lays in its variations.

Actually fighting against Sepiks requires strategy. He switches between a void, solar and arc shield that all need to be taken down with a cannon held by a Fallen Captain. Take down the Captain, then take down the shield. Rinse and repeat. While it seems basic, it's a lot more variation than we have seen in previous strikes and is a nice breath of fresh air - not to mention, it was refreshing to do a strike somewhat long forgotten.

Now, if only we could revisit the Nexus...

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.