5 Video Games That Badly Need Multiplayer

4. The Legend of Zelda (console versions)


The Legend of Zelda had a very satisfying, quirky multiplayer mode called Four Swords, in which Link split into four different colored incarnations to combat Vaati. Although this was in the earlier days of Nintendo gaming, I don't see any reason why it can't be extended to the console versions.

For example... imagine multiple player characters (they don't necessarily all have to be copies of Link) working together to conquer a HUGE dungeon. Or perhaps even something akin to a survival mode, where four warriors test their mettle against hordes and legions of Moblins, Like-Likes, Octoroks, Armos and Stalfos knights... this could actually be something that will bring a Zelda fan back long after they've defeated the story mode.

Even a competitive mode (with a LOT of polish) could be an idea. Teams competing to finish objectives, armed with swords, bombs, boomerangs, magic... the possibilities would be extremely entertaining. At least, I think so.

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I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.