5 Video Games That Badly Need Multiplayer

3. Doom


Let's face it, this should be obvious.

Doom, for those of you that never used Windows 98 in your childhood, was a PC FPS that saw your un-named character dish out unhealthy doses of violence on the pixelated dregs of Hell as they attempted to do bad, BAD things to you.

Nowadays, with few exceptions, most games that have the popularity that the Doom series have had, would've came with additional modes to offer a little variety. However, even with reboot of Doom, Doom 3, despite its high level of success, was still single-player only.

Now, Doom 4, for all we know, is lost in the pits of hell somewhere, as no further news has been released regarding the game's development. But for obvious reasons, the next iteration of the game would be wise to include a multiplayer mode. For one, multiplayer already gives a primary benefit of extending the time that a consumer can find the game to be sufficiently entertaining. For another, who WOULDN'T want to use some of those guns against other players? Or perhaps play as a demon? This is just another series that had many possibilities to explore, if they were to include a multiplayer mode with the newest game.

And let's face it: using the BFG on someone else is just too alluring to ignore.

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I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.