5 Video Games That Did DLC Right (And 5 That Ripped You Off)

2. Wrong - Star Wars: Battlefront

Red dead redemption

This is the second time EA has appeared on this list, as it seems that old habits die hard. Now, on the surface, is 2015's Star Wars: Battlefront a nice love letter to those who love the series and the original games? Absolutely. However, it is a love letter that could have stood to be a few pages longer and proofread a bit better.

The game left something to be desired early on, as it lacked a single-player campaign, something that left eager fans a bit annoyed right out of the gate. However, at the time of release, the amount of multi-player maps and game modes seemed satisfactory, not to mention the free Jakku add-on. So players were kept more-or-less entertained for some time, holding onto hope that maybe the dreaded season pass wouldn't be necessary.

Unfortunately, these hopes would soon be crushed. As the DLC for Battlefront started to be released, it soon became very apparent just how much EA had been holding out on us.

If you wanted new game modes, including the space battles that fans had longed for, or iconic Star Wars locations such as Bespin or the Death Star, you were going to have to shell out an extra $15 a piece.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.