5 Ways To Make Nintendo Stand Out In The Upcoming Generation

1. Create More Franchises

Super Mario Yoshi Let's have a little game: let's count how many franchises Nintendo has right now. We have Mario (1); Zelda (2); Pikmin (3); Pokemon (4); Metroid (5); Kirby (6); Metroid (8); Fire Emblem (9) and finally 10 if we include Starfox, even if they haven't had an original game in years. However Microsoft is bringing 8 NEW franchises to the Xbox One while Play Station is bringing another 10 to the equation in the upcoming Generation. And those are just new franchises, if I wanted to count all of the franchises each one of them has it would take me all night long. No wonder why many people were excited when Mijamoto said that he was working on a new franchise a couple of months ago. It's been years since we saw a new franchise for the big N and it wouldn't hurt them if they bring a couple more to the newest console. I'm not implying that by having more franchises it would instantly make the console much better, but it would definitely bring a much needed diversity to the whole console. We have those few franchises and some multiplatform games thrown in. Again, Eternal Darkness is a great example. If Nintendo finally green lighted the sequel to Eternal Darkness and decided to make a franchise out of it they would finally have a survival horror franchise up their sleeve. Things like that would not only make their library of games much bigger, but it would pretty much cover many of the things that I've mentioned on this list. Not only that, but this would allow Nintendo to try new things that may or may not work on properties that have no background so than if one of those experiments fail it won't damage the image we have of a certain franchise. Those are just a couple of ideas that I think would really benefit Nintendo. So far their console is the one that fits most of the needs many gamers wanted with the upcoming generation and many of the problems they have with the other consoles aren't present here. As I said in the intro this could be the biggest thing they've had in years and they aren't doing much with it. I sincerely hope they do much more with the Wii U in the months to come because things will definitely get ugly when the Xbox One and the PS4 come out. But like everything else, only time will tell.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.