50 Essential Star Wars Games You Must Play

35. Star Wars: Lethal Alliance (2006) - DS, PSP


Set between episodes III & IV, Lethal Alliance focuses on shooting rather than lightsaber combat. This handheld exclusive explores the post-Order 66 world, and plays how I'd imagine 1313 will play, so in that sense it will tie you over until that game drops. The interaction with Darth Vader, and the plot tie-in regarding the construction on the Death Star is a great idea.

34. Star Wars: Empire At War (2006) - Windows, Mac OS X

932730_20061024_screen003 Star Wars: Empire at War is a 2006 RTS game, set between Episode III and Episode IV, and provides the back-story for A New Hope. It focuses on the origins of the war between the Empire and the Rebels. Like Rome: Total War, you can experience the epic battle with a tabletop view. Most will either love or hate these games, however it has been said that "Empire at War delivers a true Star Wars experience". I agree with that statement.

33. Star Wars Chess (1994) - DOS, Sega CD, Windows

Set in the realm of the original trilogy, this game is Star Wars and Chess. Enough said. If you want a good chess engine with a mix of Star Wars then this one is for you.

32. Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995) - MS-DOS, Mac, PlayStation

Dark Forces Star Wars: Dark Forces was the world's introduction to Kyle Katarn. We are taken through his discovery of the Empire's "Dark Trooper Project" in this awesome first-person shooter. The PlayStation version is rather poor from a graphics standpoint, with a terribly poor fame rate. However the PC version is stellar! The story will keep you hooked.

31. Star Wars: The New Droid Army (2002) - Game Boy Advance

starwars2ndagba_003-large Star Wars: The New Droid Army is a modest action game made better by the characters, story, and music that it borrows from the films. It's a decent game for casual players or for die-hard fans of Star Wars. The music is a taken form the scores of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, and the sound effects are the same blaster fire, lightsaber hums, and explosions that you've heard in the films. Some more easy handheld fun.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.