50 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time!

30. Big Boss (Metal Gear 1&2)

A fair few of you will be shouting at the back €œha! You fool! He€™s a hero, you play as him in a lot of the Metal Gear Solid games! Duh!€ Well yes all of this is true, however its a good thing to remember that Big Boss is actually the original Metal Gear villain, way way way way (way way way) back in the late 80€™s on the MX2 home console. Snake back when he was a rookie new to FOXHOUND was sent on a mission to stop a rogue army and infiltrate their HQ called Outer Haven. On his journey he finds that in Outer Haven is a Bipedal tank that can launch nuclear missiles, this machine called metal gear must be stopped. However FOXHOUND€™s leader has other plans, he is actually behind Outer Haven and wants to rule the world, this man who has stabbed Snake in the back is BIG BOSS. Big boss may only appear in Metal Gear 1 and 2 but his remains became a huge plot point for the rest of the franchise (with a surprise in Metal Gear 4) Big Boss and his plans have such a huge ripple effect, leading to the death of so many, that he definitely has a place in this list.

29. Frank Fontaine (Bioshock)

The architect to one of the best plot twists in a game ever (I felt anyway) Frank Fontaine was a politician who clashed on a big scale with Andrew Ryan. A cheap cheat who was the crux behind organized gene splicing and the huge ADAM trade which eventually led to the downfall of rapture, he would lie, cheat and steal from his own mother if it set him on the path to power! Fontaine represents a side in all of us, pushed to desperate measures in the struggle to push back against the ever growing ego of Andrew Ryan, he tried to stand for the workers and began the ADAM and splicing culture to allow everyone, even the workers, to be on level footing, helping the downtrodden get back up. His hunger for more and more power twisted his mind however so we will always remember him as a master of the deviant art of lying (and possibly a good personal trainer by the looks of him at the end).

28. Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)

Like a crazy badass Arnold Schwarzenneger in The Terminator, only a bit more pumped up (okay ALOT more pumped up and even mutated a little) Nemesis was a behemoth of an enemy. Not only was he super strong and almost indestructible but umbrella had finally innovated and made an enemy who could, you guessed it, walk AROUND obstacles in its path! Thats right running through doors wont help you this time, once he's on you, he's on you! Always with a rocket launcher at hand, running was most peoples options, but when you finally got him on the ropes he had a clever way of evolving again to grow tentacles! Nemesis would never stop, shotguns barely scratch him, acid baths? Yeah they€™re just a refreshing treat for him his only weakness was eventually a prototype rail cannon! Luckily we€™ve got lots of them handy right? Right? Wait, what? ... Uh oh!

27. Harbinger (Mass Effect 2)

After dealing with the Reapers in Mass Effect 1 (you hope...) a brand new evil appears, ready to fight in Mass Effect 2. Known as the collectors, this collective hive minded race, have the ability to sweep a planet clean of all human existence by paralyzing everyone before taking them away to the farthest reaches of outer space. The leader of this hive mind is Harbinger, a genius battle general, you never actually see him on the battlefield, he instead can puppeteer any of his minions on the ground boosting their shields and powers while doing so, and if you do indeed enjoy the taste of victory over that foe, all is well with harbinger as he can just move swiftly on to the next vessel. Dastardly genius indeed!

26. Origami Killer (Heavy Rain)

KILLING KIDS IS BAD!! That is all.... ...Ok so ill expand a bit, the origami killer does, as I previously stated, murder children but its not this alone that makes him fit this list, its his murder methods, he kidnaps children and then locks them in a storm drain allowing rain water to build up over days and eventually drown them! All the while putting their fathers through devious and horrible tortures such as cutting their fingers off, crawling through electric wires and glass as well as being forced to kill random strangers all in a false offer to save their child's life! As you play the game you eventually solve these horrible torture puzzles and get the chance to save your son, when you get that far though the killer tries to shoot you in the back! Evil, pure evil!
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