50 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time!

25. Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

I knew master miller couldn't be trusted, with those cool glasses and amazing hair! Liquid Snake was such a dastardly foe that during your mission to infiltrate shadow moses he decides to play dress up and help you out, give you some inside advice, why? For reasons no more than to toy with you, leaving some traps behind and tips for future bosses to capitalize on. One of the three clones of big boss liquid nearly brought the world to a horrible nuclear end, even more annoying however was how hard his devious plan was to figure out! Initially trying to shut metal gear down, liquid tricks you into powering it up! Darn! When you finally kick him off the top of metal gear to his death, he comes straight back at you chasing you down in a jeep! He€™s even so persistent that as you play metal gear solid 4, fighting against Revolver Ocelot, it turns out Liquids taken over his mind and body! Worst of all thought, is his constant whining! Always complaining about being the brother who got the worst genes etc. What an evil baby!

24. Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)

A man so evil that he would destroy the world just to prove a point to all of the bullies who have mocked and discredited him? Worthy of the list for sure! His plan is to mutate all of the worlds creatures to make his own private army, accidentally making his arch nemesis crash bandicoot in the process, Cortex is a persistent one! A crazy mad scientist with crazy power = entertaining villain

23. Skorge (Gears Of War 2)

Appearing in Gears Of War 2 Skorge was the high priest of the Kantus, a religion followed by the locust which prayed to their deity the rift worm, a huge destructive monstrosity able to swallow whole cities in one gulp! As the high priest of the kantus, Skorge was the sole communicator with the rift worm, meaning he pretty much had complete control! Any city he wanted laid to waste would be done, and pretty snappy too! If this alone doesn't make him a terrifying prospect in battle, his huge battle screech before charging at you with a dual chainsaw staff, will definitely have you whimpering in fear!

22. The Flood (Halo)

A surprise enemy that cropped up in the first Halo game, The Flood have been a pain for many gamers ever since. They appear in a huge swarming force, feeding off of any life forms and eventually taking them over, adding to their swelling ranks, these monstrous things spread quicker than varookas at your local swimming pool! The Food are deeply written into the Halo back story, first appearing in 100,300 BCE, the ancient race of the Forerunners fought for 300 long years to fight off the flood, having to build the Halo weapons in a final bid to wipe the flood out (doing so unfortunately sealed their fate too). As time passed the covenant forces found one of the halo rings and unwittingly released The Flood, which led to a dense river of puss riddled husks flowing throughout the universe threatening to destroy all life! EVERYWHERE! The Flood make for great villainy due to their unrelenting numbers, once theres one, theres 2 million, and boom your surrounded, out of ammo and running without a shield!

21. Space Invaders

Everyone remembers playing the great Space Invaders at some time or another, and though the enemies inside may be simple (really simple) we all tremble in fear when were down to the last ship, speeding from side to side only one level above us, praying we get lucky with that final shot! To quote a great cartoon leader €œTREMBLE IN FEAR AT OUR THREE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SHIPS!!€
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