6 Reasons Microsoft Needs A Great E3
4. Used Games
This is another of the most contested rumors making the Internet circuits. The Xbox One will apparently require the system to go online and verify each game purchase before installing it onto the console's hard drive. This is a potentially controversial move for several reasons. First, it ties the game to a single player's account. Remember when your best friend bought this awesome new game and let you try it out before you went out and bought it? Well, unless your best friend is kind enough to let you sign into his account, this seems to be a thing of the past.
There are also ramifications for the used games industry. If games must be verified and installed to the console, there must be a system for allowing players to buy used games that have already been installed to someone else's console. Rumors have surfaced that there will be some sort of used game installation fee, potentially as high as retail price of a new game, but there isn't much clarification on the issue. However, GameStop's president apparently supports the Xbox One, so maybe he knows something we don't at the moment. E3 could provide a great forum for Microsoft to make clear its stance on used games once and for all.