6 Reasons Why Everyone Loves The Elder Scrolls Games

2. With Mods, The Possibilities Are Endless

elder scrolls oblivion

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is perhaps the most moddable game in existence, followed closely by its predecessors, Oblivion and Morrowind. It's difficult to fully express just how massive and expansive the modding community for these games truly are.

There are tens of thousands of mods for the most recent mainline entry alone, with more mods adding different ways to play to this day, even five years later.

Any one of these can drastically alter your experience. You can add mods to fix bugs, make the game looks stunningly beautiful, change parts of the game you don't like, increase immersion, or just add even more content with whole new cities, dungeons, landscapes and entire expansions to download.

Or you could just have lightsaber duels with Master Chief in the Tardis. Your call.

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Ken was born in 1994, and before the turn of the century, he was already a gamer for life, starting with Pokémon Blue Version. He has a passion for storytelling, especially in the gaming medium. Growing up on a healthy diet of JRPGs and point and click adventure games, young Kenny grew up playing Nintendo and Sony consoles, before becoming a snobby member of the PC Master Race. Nowadays, he resides in a time warp, refusing to believe the nineties ended as he fills up his Steam library with old point and clicks and cRPGs.