6 Things Nintendo Needs To Do To Win Back Gamers

2. Abandon Hindering Philosophies

This is something that's been a recurring theme throughout this article thus far. Part and parcel of what Nintendo is as a whole is a company that is proud of their Japanese heritage. But part of being a global corporation is having a global vision and plan. No longer can Nintendo think in terms of only Japanese wants and needs. They must embrace all the different tastes, viewpoints and attitudes of each territory and region they are headquartered. This also brings us to the graphics vs. gameplay debate. Many hardcore Nintendo fans will tell you that gameplay is more important than HD graphics, but as we've seen time and time again, the two can go together like peanut butter and jelly... as long as they're in capable hands. Grand Theft Auto V and some of the third-party games coming out for the Wii U should be sufficient evidence of this.
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Shawn “Loc Da’Borg” Jackson is a native of Mississippi, born in Vicksburg and raised in Philadelphia in Neshoba County. At the age of 15 he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and, later into his early 20s, he became Profoundly Deaf. Writing has been one of the main staples of his life and he has dedicated a good portion of it to educate, entertain and enthrall with the written word.