6 Things Nintendo Needs To Do To Win Back Gamers

1. Heavy Hitters At Launch

Nintendo knows how to launch a console, I'll give them that. And while I enjoy my Wii U, I wish I could have had Super Mario 3D World at launch alongside Sonic: Lost Worlds and Pikmin 3. To get the system rolling out of the gate faster than they did, they need a steady rollout of their franchises, as well as third-party games both at launch and in the months to follow. Preferably at least two titles per month. One could be a physical retail title and the other is a smaller eShop title. This cannot be understated in the slightest. Nintendo has, arguably, the best game designers in the industry and it behoves them to have those system sellers ready for the masses right after launch. Gamers hate a drought where there are no game releases for months. This is also one of the things that has been a detriment to the Wii U . For their next console launch, they can't do this again. With their heavy hitters and third party offerings there on day one and in the short two-three months afterwards, they will undoubtedly sell out and create demand. And there you have it! These are what I feel Nintendo can do to win back gamers in both the current generation and the next console cycle a few years from now. Was there anything I missed? Did I get something wrong? Sound off in the comments below!
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Shawn “Loc Da’Borg” Jackson is a native of Mississippi, born in Vicksburg and raised in Philadelphia in Neshoba County. At the age of 15 he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and, later into his early 20s, he became Profoundly Deaf. Writing has been one of the main staples of his life and he has dedicated a good portion of it to educate, entertain and enthrall with the written word.