Unbelievably it's been 11 years since any version of F-Zero was released into stores, and even then the last one was a retro GBA title called F-Zero Climax. The last proper F-Zero was the Gamecube's F-Zero GX, which was released a staggering 12 years ago before the series went on an unexplained hiatus. There's still some love for F-Zero around, what with tracks and vehicles appearing most recently in Mario Kart 8, but all that really did was make us crave the return of Captain Falcon and his ridiculous rival racers even more. The granddaddy of all futuristic racers, F-Zero is a spectacularly underrated property from Nintendo's stable of first party titles and F-Zero GX is arguably the series' pinnacle. Not only were the tracks stunningly, head-spinningly gorgeous but the actual racing was hard as nails, requiring the utmost concentration at all times. You only really got a chance to loosen your white-knuckle grip on the gamepad and appreciate the scenery and craftsmanship of the tracks when you reached the zen-like level of skill that would allow you to instinctively know your way around every loop and jump. I know Ninty wanted to focus on Mario Kart to boost the Wii U's ownership figures, but a hardcore racer like F-Zero would do nothing but compliment Mario's road rage antics
Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.