7 Best Missions In The Hitman Franchise

6. World Of Tomorrow

hitman 2016
IO Interactive

Sapienza in Hitman (2016) is a mission I've replayed more than I care to admit; It's beautiful, massive and endlessly entertaining. You're sent there to stop a DNA based disease from being harnessed as a weapon. As an insurance policy though you'll need to take out the creator and his second in command to stop it being reproduced.

This level has some of the most intriguing opportunities in the whole game. With playing dress up as a psychologist, a golf coach and a lab technician to name a few. The opportunities here are relentlessly enjoyable and make for some very twisted approaches.

The level itself has countless available routes and interesting level design to make your approach into the huge mansion or to the underground laboratory different almost every time. It's a great sandbox that keeps its appeal no matter how many times you clear it.

It is worth mentioning that the best opportunity is in this level. Where you scare the target enough to the point he flies off in a plane.. then you can shoot it with a cannon.

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An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete