7 Best Missions In The Hitman Franchise

5. Murder Of Crows

hitman 2016
IO Interactive

The sixth level in Hitman: Blood Money shocked any gamer who played it on release. Up until that point having hundreds of detailed NPC'S on screen at one time was almost inconceivable but this mission produced a massive, realistic and believable sea of people to work in.

This trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans was the IO's first experiment with pushing hardware to its limits and now allows them to craft lived in and realistic locations of huge scope.

The level itself is very fun, assassinating three people in the mayhem of the festival is a unique experience. The extra mechanic of a briefcase of diamonds to steal during the level adds an extra more stressful element to the mix.

Ultimately this is one of the more important levels in the franchise. A level which clearly influenced the studio's direction for years to come, crowds now being an ever-present feature in the more recent games.

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An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete