7 Best Missions In The Hitman Franchise

2. Golden Handshake

hitman 2016
IO Interactive

Some levels in the Hitman franchise, particularly recently, are huge and very complex, but size isn't always the key for a great mission. Some of the best ones are often smaller.

Here 47 is sent to Milton-Fitzpatrick bank in order to secure data on the recently, deceptively deceased partners of the games Illuminati.

The information is hidden in the highly secure vault and in order to get through you'll need to straight-up break in or collect three databank cards from those holding them.

The mission shines mostly through the interesting and entertaining subplots, stories and opportunities that make themselves known throughout subsequent playthroughs. These side stories can have 47 take a personality test where he reveals himself to be the perfect investment banker for example... brilliant.

The bank is a great setting for a mission and the option to act as a bank robber is a side plot that was a perfect fit for the revamped agent 47. It's a mission that owes its success to going against the grain and being smaller but more intricate which is a rarity in the newer games.

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An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete