7 Best Underwater Levels In Video Games

4. Spyro: Year Of The Dragon - Seashell Shore

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Other than the first game where water straight up kills you, the original Spyro trilogy has one of the best underwater controls you'll find in a 3D platformer.

Aquaria Towers is amazing and even lets you ride a Manta Ray, which automatically makes the level awesome. Evening Lake is one of the most interesting Homeworlds to explore in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. And aside for the out of place music, Lost Fleet is an awesome level that mixes a ghostly theme with the ability to swim in acid (not quite water but it functions the same with an invincibility power-up).

The best water level in Spyro, however, is Seashell Shore. An awesome soundtrack accompanies you throughout a mixture of underwater and on-land areas both just as entertaining to explore. Also, you get to fight a robot shark, which is even better than riding a Manta Ray.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.