7 Characters That Must Be Cut From Super Smash Bros. Switch

4. Ryu

Super smash bros dark pit

Here comes another controversial entry. Street Fighter's Ryu was implemented well into Smash 4 and, like Cloud, was also a pretty massive inclusion. However, also like Cloud, he just doesn't quite gel with the rest of the cast.

Perhaps it's the fact that he's already from a fighting series and therefore his moveset and playstyle innately clashes with that of Smash Bros. Or it's his near normal human-like appearance. Either way, Ryu simply doesn't fit the game's aesthetic. He does however have a pretty great stage and his Street Fighter moves were implemented well into the game.

There's another reason though why Ryu may not return. It stands to reason that Mega Man, the most requested third party character after Sonic to be added into the game, will return for Smash Switch. He was implemented well and his look really fits the Nintendo style. Having two Capcom representatives is beginning to get a little much for the third party inclusions - it would be better to limit it to one per company, so as to avoid the third parties swamping the roster.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.