7 Essentials Still Missing From Red Dead Online

5. Guarma

Rockstar Games

Now that the Cayo Perico heist is live on GTA, the Red Dead map could receive similar treatment.

During the game's story, Arthur was briefly swept away to the far off island of Guarma. The island itself is surprisingly large and features its own set of indigenous animals. Leaked files suggesting the island's inclusion mixed with the release of GTA's latest heist DLC could be a hint of what is to come.

What players would be doing on this island getaway is another ballpark entirely. It could be that there is a similar situation to GTA where Guarma is only accessible for certain missions or as part of an elaborate heist.

Without heists in the game as it is, it seems like a far stretch to assume Guarma would also be linked to the fabled "Outlaw" update.

Others have theorised that, rather than Guarma, players will eventually be able to explore Mexico. Mexico played a major role in the first Red Dead Redemption and would make for an excellent map expansion.


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