7 Exact Video Game Moments That Made You "Nope Out" Entirely

5. Detecting Multiple Leviathan Lifeforms - Subnautica

The Witch Left 4 Dead
Unknown Worlds

So for those who have never played the joyous and remarkable Subnautica, I feel it's fair to sum it up as the most scary non-horror game I've ever played.

Those with a fear of the deep sea will want to give this game a pass immediately, but even those comfortable in the crushing depths will most definately have dropped and anchor in their trousers when they met the titles answer to keeping players within the confines of the open world.

Whereas some titles will use invisible walls, or have vehicles and transports fail, or even just straight up teleport players back to the centre of the map, Subnautica uses a simple text warning to instil a hefty dose of "nope".

If the player ventures too far out, their onboard AI will warn them that "there are several Leviathan class lifeforms in the region, are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?" and this moment alone should replace your bones with pure dread. Not because of the massive sea monsters, but because this AI who has been so supportive of every other dumb thing you've done in this game and never once at all questioned your actions, is now suddenly stating "dude you're going to die sooooo hard"

If that doesn't make you turn the vessel around, I don't know what will.

In this post: 
Left 4 Dead
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