7 Games That Deserve An HD Re-Release

1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gamecube)

For all the controversy on its reveal, as a million fanboys huffed and puffed over Link's cartoonish makeover, and cried out for a realistic and gritty take on the franchise, The Wind Waker remains the most visually brilliant Zelda game to date. It's also perhaps the closest we've come to having a fully playable cartoon, a swashbuckling adventure filled with pirates, monsters, and hidden treasure. Set in the wake of a great flood over Hyrule, Wind Waker replaced Ocarina of Time's rolling fields with rolling waves, giving you a vast ocean to explore and chart. Whatever people thought of the sailing, you can't deny that it was incredibly nice to look at. Nintendo seem to enjoy re-releasing their old games on new consoles; the DS launched with Mario 64, the Wii saw Pikmin given the waggle treatment, and Ocarina of Time was brought up to scratch on the 3DS this year. Since the WiiU will be Nintendo's first HD console, it's not a stretch to think they might consider dusting off some of their classics over the next few years. We can only hope that they give us the chance to sail those gorgeous seas once again.
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Glaswegian furball, professional time-waster, all round angry wee man.