7 Horror Comics That Would Make Incredible Video Games

6. Batman: Vampire Trilogy

Bruce Wayne eagerly anticipates the slow demise of the sun as it sinks below the horizon before cloaking himself in a flowing black cape, descending from his palatial manor to prey on the cowardly and superstitious in the darkest corners of Gotham - the man's already halfway to stake-land. Might as well slap on a pair of fangs and call it a night. Which is exactly what Doug Moench did in the early nineties with a trilogy of Elseworlds stories which saw the Dark Knight battling Dracula and his coven of vampires. With Kelley Jones's fantastic pencils providing a suitably Gothic feel to the proceedings, the Batman/Dracula trilogy offers a glimpse into a nightmarish world where the Dark Knight is stripped of his humanity and transformed into a monster that thrives on the sweet nectar of innocents. Batman would never extinguish a life, we all know this - but what happens when his 'one rule' is superseded by a single-minded thirst for blood? It's quite the dilemma, and it's also the perfect concept for a game that fans can really sink their teeth into - what would you do in Batman's situation? Would you try your hardest to stave off the fiery hunger burning through your veins, or is the comfort of surrender too tempting to resist? Why slog through existence as a sick parody of man when you can simply slough off the last vestiges of humanity clinging to your bones? Batman's struggle against his vampiric nature presents the perfect opportunity to explore the nuances of his moral code in a narrative shaped by the player's decisions. We've all seen the Dark Knight wrestle with the temptation of lethal force, but we've never been put in direct control of it. A Batman: Vampire game would be a VERY different beast from the Arkham series, but maybe a shakeup's exactly what the character needs right now? If anything, vampiric powers would at least breathe new life (hah) into the gameplay. And it's not like the idea of an Elseworlds game hasn't been considered before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65IsSRMi4i0
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Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.