7 Horror Comics That Would Make Incredible Video Games

4. Blade

Blade's a dhampir; a hybrid who possesses all of the vampires' strengths, but none of their weaknesses. Armed to the fangs with everything from silver stakes and semi-automatics to glaives and swords, he prowls the night in search of vampires with one thing on his mind - the complete annihilation of their species. It's a concept that's practically tailor-made for the medium, and while it's been attempted before - most notably with a pair of quasi-adaptations of the first and second films, respectively - there hasn't been anything to write home about. Which is a waste, to say the least, because if you coupled Wesley Snipes' stoic portrayal with the character's comic origins and plopped him into a vampire-infested city within the context of the greater Marvel universe, you'd have one hell of a setup. The formula is simple: combine the rhythm-based fisticuffs of the Arkham series with the face-blasting brutality of Volition's Punisher game, chuck the Daywalker into a Guillermo del Toro-inspired open-world, and you've got the perfect recipe for a vampire-slaying extravaganza. Just imagine: You're in Blade's hideout, hunched over a map of the city. There's a blood rave at midnight; the exact same moment that a meeting of vampire elders is taking place across town. Which one do you attack? Do you go in guns blazing, or wait until daylight when the vamps are most vulnerable? Waiting might make things easier... but you'll lose the opportunity to do serious damage, collect more intel, and discover more about the vampire hierarchy. There's also the question of how your actions would affect the vampire underworld - wouldn't an over-reliance on UV-weaponry cause the bloodsuckers to become more attuned to your style and beef up their defences? It'd certainly make approaching them the same way twice more difficult. Going beyond the gameplay, there's the added incentive of creating a micro-universe of sorts with the addition of the Nightstalkers and, by extension - Doctor Strange. The sky's the limit.
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Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.