7 Insanely Powerful Joke Video Game Characters

6. Captain Ginyu - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 1

castlevania circle of the moon

If you're saying "Ginyu's no joke!", I'm going to counter this hard with the fact that no respecting world warrior gets turned into a frog this many times.

When you first select the pose-obsessed fighter in Budokai Tenkaichi 1, you might be alarmed to see that one of his moves is called "Self Harm", and even more so when all it appears to do is pretty much what it says on the tin, dealing damage to yourself! This combined with his rather weak lineup of moves will often see you on the receiving end of a beatdown nine times out of ten.

Yet weirdly, this is what you WANT to happen, as we're about to get froggy baby! When you're low enough on health, initiate Ginyu's "Body Swap" ability and you will switch health bars AND BODIES with your foe! Meaning now it's them on a fraction of health!

Who's laughing now? You are, as you beat the ever-loving piss out of your opponent and zip off in a brand new meat suit.

The ability has been nerfed a LOT since but in Tenkaichi 1 it's as hilarious as it is devastating.

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