7 Memorable Zelda Dungeons: Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Forsaken Fortress - The Wind Waker

legend of zelda ocarina of time

All seven dungeons in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker are fantastic, but when I think of the game, the Forsaken Fortress always sticks out a bit more than its companions.

Players infiltrate this prison-like dungeon twice over the course of the game, and both visits are incredibly memorable. Link's sister Aryll is held prisoner inside, and that gives the dungeon a strong emotional core. The look of the dungeon is also gorgeous, with its unique design and dark, moody lighting giving the area a nice layer of tension.

But the true strength of this dungeon is its fantastic gameplay. On the first visit to the Fortress, Link is separated from his sword, which forces the players to use stealth in order to move through the area. Stealth-gameplay is not often present in the otherwise puzzle-focused Zelda series, but it works wonderfully here. And as the first dungeon in Wind Waker, the stealth-gameplay allows gamers to naturally adjust to the controls.

Conversely, the second time players enter the Forsaken Fortress, they mean business. Instead of being sword-less and unprepared, you are now a seasoned vet that is intent on rescuing his sister. Accordingly, the dungeon adjusts to fit this new mold. The once stealth-based level is now totally action oriented, as Link plows through enemies as he makes his rescue.

Players are treated to a nostalgic duel against Phantom Ganon, a incredibly tense race against rushing water, and a rewarding battle against Gannondorf's giant, evil pet bird the Helmaroc King.


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