7 Rarest Video Game Party Members You Totally Missed

4. Nid - The Banner Saga

Yuffie ff
Stoic Studio

The Banner Saga, what an utterly glorious experience.

From start to finish, the player is made to feel like every single choice they make matters as nearly every option hurts another group or faction in some way, and of course, with a myriad of characters to recruit and have perish in battle against the ever-increasing Dredge, it means that even innocuous conversations can bar the character from filling out their party roster.

For example, don't side with two upstarts who are looking to abandon their village? Say goodbye to Hogun and Mogun, don't lead your army in the right way? Well, Griss isn't going to follow you. The list of missable characters is actually quite shocking but the biggest sting of all is losing Nid without even realizing it.

At one point in the game, Oddleif will approach you asking if she can train the women of the caravan to become archers, and if you're feeling like a less and equal opportunities leader you can decline the offer. Bad move, as now Nid will never be trained and never be able to be recruited as a party member.

What makes her so impactful is her special ability that lets her shoot enemies from a country mile away, and in a game where enemies deal damage equal to their health, chipping away at this early doors is paramount to victory. In short, not letting Nid train is like shooting yourself in the foot with an arrow.

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