7 Rarest Video Game Party Members You Totally Missed

3. Metal Slime! - Dragons Quest V

Yuffie ff
Square Enix

The Dragons Quest franchise might well be the series that just keeps on giving, as not only are the games exceptional examples of fantasy storytelling and character design, but they aren't afraid to give the player a good belly laugh from time to time.

One need only look over enemies like the Cruelcumber, the Puff-puff ladies "massage" and the reams of silly back and forths between characters to see that this is a series that puts fun front and centre of the experience. And this is to say nothing of how brilliant some of the game's mechanics are. For example, are you tired of getting your hands, dirty battling enemies? Well, why not capture some of these ner do wells and make them fight for you?

Dragons Quest 5 added in the ability to tame monsters and have them join the party, and with over 40 available to the player you could mistakenly think that this was an early Pokemon game in some instances, and of course, that means that the humble slime could (and must be) recruited to the party!

Yet there was one creature even better than this blue glob of goodness, and that was its Metal Slime relative. However, this shiny slime is only for the dedicated few, as with an incredibly low encounter rate AND its stubborn nature meaning that it rarely would offer to join the party, meant that most players only ever saw one or two in their adventure and inadvertently blew their chance to own this precious metal coated party member.

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