7 Reasons Ape Escape Should Get A HD Trilogy Remaster

5. Unique Control Scheme

Ape Escape Monkeys

Ape Escape on the PS1 was the first PlayStation game to actually require the dual shock controller, as you needed both analog sticks. The left stick controlled movement as you might expect, but the right stick was used for all the game's gadgets. For example, you swing your net with the right stick, or you spin it round as quick as you can to utilise the Sky Flyer.

While it may not be that big of a deal now, back when it was released this was a very unique and interesting control scheme. It might even sound a bit annoying to play with but it actually works surprisingly well. Most of the time. Some gadgets could've used a bit more tightening up as sometimes they can falter as you chase a monkey around a level.

This is where the remaster would be great. It could not only make slight improvements on all the gadgets so that they all work exactly as intended, but it would provide developers with a chance to utilise the touch-pad in a similarly innovative way. It's fine, but its uses are normally quite gimmicky and boring, which it doesn't have to be. Naughty Dog's use of the touch-pad for playing a guitar in The Last of Us Part II was simple, unobtrusive and very immersive.

Even if the developers didn't want to build upon on the original controls, they could still benefit from a few tweaks here and there.

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Ape Escape
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.