7 Reasons Ape Escape Should Get A HD Trilogy Remaster

4. The Games Are Hilarious

Ape Escape Monkeys
Sony Computer Entertainment

Ask anyone who has played one of the Ape Escape games why they enjoy the games, and part of the answer is sure to be that they are simply really funny. Be it the strange behaviour and situations you find the monkeys in or their names that are references to the most random of historical figures, the game will have you smiling from start to finish. It's arguably one of the reasons Ape Escape is so unique; you just never know where this silly series of games could take you, keeping you engaged from start to finish.

It isn't just the monkeys that make the games funny, but the gameplay itself. Throughout the game you'll find yourself chasing the primates through the stomachs of dinosaurs, across rooftops and you'll even use vehicles such as tanks to make sure the monkeys don't escape. Its ridiculousness never seems to stop building, and before you know it you're climbing a satellite above Earth to capture a range of Star Wars inspired named monkeys. It honestly feels like you're playing a Saturday morning cartoon half the time, and that makes for a really fun experience.

With so many of Sony's most popular games of the last few years being very cinematic and really quite dark, it might be a good idea for them to release a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and instead just wants its players to have fun. Ape Escape fits that mould perfectly.

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Ape Escape
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.