7 Reasons Bloodborne Is The Game Of The Generation

5. Those Tricky, Tricky Weapons

Bloodborne screen

One of the more unique components of Bloodborne's formidable arsenal of appeal is the trick weapons. Whips that are also canes, spears that are also rifles; every weapon is two for the price of one, and it enhances combat no end.

I can only imagine the fun the development team had in designing some of these weapons and it's matched stride for stride with the feeling of using them. Stringing together combinations of attacks that incorporate your weapon transformations is just one of the mechanics that make this so worthwhile.

From Ludwig's Holy Blade to the Whirligig Saw each weapon has its unmistakable benefits and uses and each one suits a particular play-style. It allows for multiple play-throughs and varying strategies for taking down the toughest bosses.

Brilliantly designed and a whole heap of fun to use, trick weapons are without doubt one of the many strokes of genius that From Soft has woven into their brilliant game.

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