7 Reasons Bloodborne Is The Game Of The Generation

4. The Sheer Amount Of Variety

Bloodborne screen
From Software

There is just so much to Bloodborne, from the sprawling locations that unfold around you to the myriad of monsters and menaces that try to stop you from seeing more. It rarely ever feels the same.

I couldn’t count the amount of times I was strolling through darkened forests or poisoned swamps (thanks again, FromSoft) and I was stopped dead in my tracks with a moment of ‘What the hell is that?’ before inevitably being pummelled or skewered by whatever it was.

There is little re-skinning that goes on in Bloodborne. Each set of enemies feels unique to the areas in which they inhabit, and it is this attention to detail that holds your interest throughout countless hours traversing Yharham.

Although all this is not to say you won’t be seeing the same area or enemy over and over, because you will die, over and over (and over) again.

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