7 Upcoming Video Game Reboots That'll Blow You Away In 2016

1. The Legend Of Zelda

If you had to pick one hotly-anticipated reboot to rule them all in 2016, it has to be Link's latest adventure. While its status as a reboot hasn't been confirmed yet by Nintendo, the grapevine is pointing to it being a retelling of the first game, but thrown into a beautiful open-world Hyrule that'll offer more exploration than the series has ever seen. The story will presumably be a variant of the Link-having-to-save-Zelda-from-Ganon trope (though hopefully with a worthy new slant), but what we've seen so far from the game has echoes of an open-world RPG. Standing on a mountaintop in Hyrule, you can spot a notable landmark in the distance, head towards it, and head into a dungeon that isn't necessarily connected to the main quest. This style of play is new territory for Zelda, but feeds in well to the idea that Nintendo are giving the franchise a makeover. The new art style looks stunning - an mixture of both the cel-shaded Wind Waker and the more classic presentation of Skyward Sword - and the new gameplay flourishes like bullet-time arrow firing are a welcome addition to Link's arsenal. Everything suggests that Nintendo sees the as a major new evolution for the series, perhaps with an eye to also launching on that other fresh start that they're working on - the Nintendo NX. Have we missed any reboots that you're excited about? Let us know in the comments, or give the world more insight into what you think by writing for WhatCulture!

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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.