7 Upcoming Video Games That Have Ignored Massive Mistakes

4. Fallout 76

Fallout 76

The Lesson: Losing The Franchise Identity

Fallout 76 is gaming marmite at the moment. Some people are eager to embrace the franchise in any form, while others think that going online-only and focusing on multiplayer will be the death knell for not only Fallout, but Bethesda as a developer. The recent beta hasn't inspired much more confidence either, with the studio essentially saying that the release will break at launch. Great.

The main problem isn't that Fallout is going online, though, it's that what made the series so special has seemingly been thrown out. The series isn't just iconography alone, and just because Bethesda have packed the game with power armour, vault boys and Deathclaws, it doesn't make up for the staples they've ripped out: namely the RPG, choose-your-own adventure experience at the heart of Fallout 3 and 4.

Even ESO managed to retain those same pillars despite adopting an MMO format, and consequently even if the title itself plays well, it's going to be hard to brush off the feeling that the identity has been diluted somewhat.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3