7 Upcoming Video Games That Have Ignored Massive Mistakes

3. Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2

The Lesson: Player Choice Doesn't Make Up For A Bad Story

Dying Light is low-key one of the best games of the generation so far. As mentioned previously, it managed to make zombies interesting again, by putting as much focus on how you move around a post-apocalyptic world as bashing in undead heads with cricket bats. The one major drawback, however, was the story which was at best rote and at worst distracted from the title's actually good features.

Consequently, with the sequel the developers are doubling down on this area, attempting to craft a narrative and world that players can influence. So far the footage shown off has focused on this choice-based system, with there apparently being hundreds of ways you can alter the story.

However, the problem with the original wasn't the lack of authorship over the zombie tale, it was the writing, and from the looks of things the story scenarios in the sequel are going to be just as uninventive. So far we've seen alternate ways to tackle bandits and cultivate communities by defending water systems, amongst a wealth of other run-of-the-mill end-times scenarios. Player choice can only mask the unoriginality for so long.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3