7 Ups & 6 Downs From E3 2019

1. Bethesda Have Completely Lost It

Fallout 76

Although they tried their best, Bethesda's showing was perhaps the most disappointing of the entire weekend. They made the moves they needed to, acknowledging Fallout 76's rough launch and committing to providing it with updates, but were totally lacking when it came to actual announcements. The expansion for 76 is cool, but the fact that people started cheering because the company was adding NPCs and questlines to a Fallout game was kind of ridiculous.

Everything else they had to show off was either underwhelming, or from projects we've already seen too much of. Doom: Eternal looked awesome, but everything else felt like incremental updates that didn't need a big conference to show off. Combine that with Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI sitting out the conference entirely (which we admittedly knew), and Bethesda's offering was lacking.

If it wasn't for Death Loop and Ghostline, Bethesda's showing would have been a total non-event.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3