7 Video Game Character Redesigns That Directly Insulted The Fans

2. Zero Suit Samus - The Metroid Series

Devil may cry

Metroid was a defining game series in the early years of gaming history. There’s an entire genre called Metroid-Vania for gods sake. And Samus Aran was a classic protagonist, she was just an awesome space soldier who got things done. Metroid was never really about Samus being a woman, it was about f*cking up space pirates and Metroids.

The classic Metroid power armour is among the most classic designs in gaming, influencing innumerable later video game character designs. It had personality! But increasingly throughout the series we see Samus stripped of her awesome power armour and stuffed into the skin-tight blue Zero Suit.

Imagine if Master Chief evolved throughout the series from badass armour to prancing around in a Borat style swimsuit. Zero Suit Samus is just another in a conga-line of hot chicks in video games with nothing but sex appeal to sustain her. Sexiness aside, the Zero Suit doesn’t add anything to Samus or the Metroid series, it’s there to sell Samus as eye candy rather than badass, and encourage a generation of 14 year olds to play Metroid Prime one handed.


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...