7 Video Game Endings That Were Utter NONSENSE
6. My Name's Not Shane - The Town With No Name
The Town With No Name. This game. This !*$% game.
Sometimes I find my rare moments of inner peace being well and truly shattered by memories of this game seeping into my mind, as it is quite possibly the best worst game I've ever played. For starters, it's a title that was programmed with all the care of a surgeon sowing up a bullet wound only to not just have left the bullet still inside but also the !*$% gun, and its audio makes that two-cans-with-a-string-between communication system look advanced.
However, it's the gameplay where this title truly both stinks and shines, with sluggish controls and often completely unclear directions as to what to actually do. This all combines to make for an experience you may wish to escape as quickly as possible, something that a truly bizarre ending actually lets you do should you choose to simply get back on the train you came in on in the opening seconds.
Giving the big "hard pass to this !*$%" sees your character accosted by a small child who chases after you calling you "Shane" in a direct homage to the Western film of the same name, yet instead of correcting the young lad, our hero SHOOTS THE POOR KID before smirking and stating "my name isn't Shane"
Ok so, a bit of a heel turn but at least we can begin to maybe justify this being from an anti-hero perspective....wait...why is the train he's on now zooming into space like it's from !*$% Back To The Future?!!? I give up. This game wins.