7 Video Game Endings That Were Utter NONSENSE
5. It's Just A Prank Bro - Castle Crashers
Now to be clear, Castle Crashers isn't exactly a title that takes itself seriously, like at all.
However, when it came to battering cutesy enemies into pixellated pieces, it was deadly serious and would let you and up to three mates storm through utterly insane battlefields in a quest to recover the kingdoms magic crystal and of course the veiled princess who is unceremoniously dragged face-first across the floor by her kidnappers.
While the plot might have been so simple it could have been scrawled on a napkin and have enough room to draw a picture of a big happy sun pooping out a rainbow into the face of John Goodman (or something equally as brilliant), it didn't matter as you had your two clear goals: beat stuff up and get them back.
However as anyone who's played Castle Crashers can tell you, it's not exactly a smooth and easy ride and thanks to its rather impressive length, will take you hours in order to reach the ending, and hoo boy does the game absolutely pie you off when you get there.
Rewarded for all your blood, sweat, and tears, you can approach the Princess who offers up a kiss, only for her to draw back the veil and reveal that she is some sort of clown nightmare that would see even Pennywise swiping left. Yet before you can even register which emotion to draw from, a series of bright lights and penguins (yes penguins) begin to beam across the screen, sending players into a catatonic state of confusion.
To try and ply logic to what's going on here is like trying to get the Mad Hatter to do your taxes. This my friend is a troll of epic proportions.