7 Video Games Where Every Ending Is The BAD Ending

5. Far Cry 3

Far cry 3

What started as a holiday for the ages became a trip to hell and back for Jason Brody and his friends, and is sure to be one that will see them leaving pretty bad reviews on the Rook Islands Airbnb site.

Thanks to drug-fuelled spirit walks, attempted drownings, a tonne of murder, and questionable tribal tattoos, poor old Jason certainly will be a different type of man come to the end of his time in this sunny slaughterhouse, and this is reflected in the game's endings which, let's face it, range from being utterly terrible to completely depressing.

As you've fought your way up the food chain and destabilized the other rival powers in the area you are given a choice, either spare your long-suffering girlfriend and attempt to escape captivity or succumb to the call of the island and straight up murder her and then play a game of hide the sausage within view of her still warm corpse before then getting penetrated yourself for the privilege. It certainly was an ending, that much we can say.

Even though you got your rocks off you'll be tombstones straight after so it can't be counted as a good ending, yet the other option is equally bleak, as here Jason rescues his friends, and escapes the island but reveals to the player that he's consumed by anger and that some unknown force now resides within him.

Now call me a worrywart but that doesn't exactly sound like it's going to end well for those around him, as the talk of inner demons plus a well-honed kill-set skill-set has really posited Jason Brody as the new Patrick Bateman.

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Far Cry 3
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