7 Video Games Where Every Ending Is The BAD Ending

4. Captive Audience

Far cry 3
Captive Minds

The Youtuber's dream and an audience's nightmare, Captive Audience is an indie horror title that posits the player in a truly disturbing scenario.

Here you play as Matt, the contestant, albeit a very unwilling one, of a game show that is being televised to an unknown audience around the world. He ventured into this seedy underbelly in order to rescue his wife Julia who has been imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit, and was told that if he could survive the show he'd win both their freedoms. Yet as the tasks you are forced to complete become more and more deranged, it seems like Matt might lose his mind quicker than his life as the star attraction, especially as a psudo-romantic relationship is struck up between Matt and a woman called Stacy.

However what makes Captive Audience truly mean-spirited is that while the game ends in the same way, the path there can be tinged with even more spite thanks to a late game choice between Julia and Stacy. Matt is given the option to "cancel" one of them, and given the nature of the show it's not hard to read the subtext of that choice. If Matt stays true to Julia then Stacey will be murdered, and if Matt decides to abandon his wife then she is informed of this decision and seemingly killed.

I say seemingly because the game then divulges that Stacey was actually an executive working on the show and that their love affair was all fabricated to boost ratings. It's then revealed that Julia is still alive and is now the star of the "Saturday morning hour" having been drawn into the game herself thanks to a letter saying that she could save Matt from his suffering.

While the ending is the same the tone that you're left with is markedly different based on your choice. Either you are emotionally ruined by Julia thinking she can save you, or are chewed out by the crew and Julia for siding with her and now watching as she takes part in a show for the sake of someone who's abandoned her.

Oh and you've been renewed for another five seasons, so settle in Matt, your suffering has only just begun.

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Far Cry 3
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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.