7 Video Games Where Every Ending Is The BAD Ending

3. Life Is Strange

Far cry 3
Dontnod Entertainment

The tale of Chloe and Max, also known as Life in the "hella"-scape also known as Life Is Strange is a wonderfully engaging title, focusing on the angst of growing up on the fringes of society, of the struggles of school and peer pressure and of course time bending superpowers that will help you solve a string of murders.

Yeah that last bit really sneaks up on you, doesn't it?

With her time manipulation powers Max is able to alter the course of history in order to help her friends and punish her enemies, yet looming over all of these events is the threat of a coming storm, a storm so violent and destructive that it will wipe Arcadia Bay from existence in just a few days time.

As the player picks their fate, they move towards an inevitable choice, will Max save Chloe her dear friend who she's now reconnected with, or the lives of her friends and family? It might seem like a no-brainer on paper but the game really does well to pull at your heartstrings with either choice. Yet it's a supremely depressing conclusion no matter what you pick. A ruined town or a dead friend who never got the chance to be free.

Makes you kinda wish the people of Arcadia had paid attention to the dead whales, strange bird migrations, eclipse, and freak snowfa-seriously these people are idiots why didn't they just leave!?

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Far Cry 3
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