7 Ways Capcom Can Make Resident Evil 7 A Success

3. Fear-Inducing Enemies

Can you remember your first encounter with a flesh-munching zombie back at the Spencer Mansion? How frightening it was to have a shambling and decaying zombie lunging towards you to feed from your jugular? Although actual zombies in the series have been portrayed as a slow foreboding threat, this never detracted you from taking caution in dispatching them. But the greatest evolution with the zombies came in the form of the terrifying Crimson Heads. Failing to decapitate or incinerate the fallen zombies you left in your wake would allow them to reanimate into something far worse. The world of Resident Evil has many mutated and abstract monsters but as the games have continued they have felt increasingly watered-down and nowhere near as scary as some of the classics. The series desperately needs to inject some of the fear back into the monsters it throws at you, making every bullet you fire and every enemy you engage with take some serious consideration. The enemies of Resi need to step up their game in both their aesthetics and ways of engaging you as a player, as unpredictability is key. Without monsters that incite panic and warrant retaliation, all you're really fighting against is an assortment of generic and easily-dispatched moving bullet-sponges.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.