7 WB Games Rocksteady Could Make Next (Since It's Not Harry Potter)

4. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Rocksteady
Warner Bros.

While Superman might be the go-to hero after Batman, Wonder Woman has been more successful at the box office and could be the dark horse in this race. We mentioned the possibility power sapping in Superman's entry, but then wouldn't that take away the fun of being Superman?

At least Injustice had the decency to go completely off the wall with powers, having Superman literally punch non-supers like into space, only to have Batman counter with the full artillery of the Batwing.

Wonder Woman, for what it's worth, favours slashing her opponent to bits with her sword.

While still strong enough to fling tanks around like they were made of bean bags, a lot less of her core mythos is in strength. Simply put, if they weaken Wonder Woman, you'll still feel like Wonder Woman.

With her Lasso of Truth, Aegis of Athena (that's magic bracelets to you and me) and shield & sword, Wonder Woman's arsenal allows for a natural progression and quick combo variety against enemies, much like Batman with his Batarang and explosive gel.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)