7 WWE Video Games WORSE Than 2K20

2. WWE Aftershock (N-Gage)

WWE King Of The Ring NES 2K20

This is a game you've most likely never heard of. That's because it was released on Nokia's ill-fated N-Gage.

The game is as basic a wrestling game as you can imagine from a handheld console with the power of a desk calculator. Character models are horrendous, blocky monstrosities that only barely resemble their real-life counterparts, and there is a mediocre roster to choose from with only 12 superstars and no Divas.

There's also a serious lack of features with only four match types to choose from, and matches are either totally unplayable thanks to the stiff movements of your chosen wrestler or easily exploitable, since you will always win a rear grapple situation leading to an easy pinfall. All while grating music blares in your ears in lieu of commentary - though at least that blocks out the awful sound design.

There's literally nothing to this game, and it only exists for the sake of giving this failure of a handheld a wrestling title. As such, the game drifted out of history never to be heard from again.

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WWE 2K20
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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!