8 Amazing Video Game Weapons Dropped In Sequels

3. Splinter Cell: Conviction - The Knife

Batman Shock Gloves

Now normally a humble knife wouldn’t see the light of day on a list like this because in all fairness when it comes to video games, unless the said blade is about two feet long, covered in Hot Topic Goth Tassles, and is able to butter Evil onto the pavement in seconds we tend not to even think about it.

However, in a series that is so reliant on stealth, subterfuge and this much Sam Fisher, it’s certainly noticeable when it’s not part of your inventory!

Now to Conviction's credit, the tone of the game shifted massively from its origins as a stealth-action pioneer, as here Sam was much more out and out aggressive, taking down his prey with extreme prejudice in some cases. “Subtlety is out the window” seemed to be the message Ubisoft was giving to the player.

And yet.

A lot of the encounters still revolved around Sam taking down groups of enemies without alerting them to his presence, and indeed he was placed in situations where he’d break the necks of guards or incapacitate them in other ways, so I ask you, WHERE WAS HIS SIGNATURE ARTERY OPENER?


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.