8 Amazing Video Game Weapons Dropped In Sequels

2. Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - The Supercharged Gravity Gun

Batman Shock Gloves

If there's one thing even more embedded in the Half-Life franchise than Gordon Freeman and his spectacular crowbar, it's the almighty gravity gun, as thanks to Valve leaning fully into the physics-based fun that came with it, gamers young and old came to adore how gravity could be manipulated in brutal and hilarious ways.

In fact, the only thing better than the regular Gravity Gun was being able to use a SUPERCHARGED version of it in some areas of Half-Life 2: Episode 1, whereby the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator was able to lift far heavier objects, fling them further and had the extremely awesome bonus of being able to flat out kill any organic matter it fired at, whilst also supercharging them so that if they were flung into enemies they too would then explode!

That's a lot of power to give to players, and as you can imagine it's only doled out in short bursts, but what a rush it becomes in these segments, easily topping out at some of the best moments of the entire franchise. This makes it all the sadder that Half-Life 2: Episode 2 ditches this version of the weapon entirely!

You still get the regular gravity gun but thanks to an event in the game, the power to overcharge is stripped entirely, meaning those brief moments of true chaos are all we get.


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