8 Amazing Video Game Weapons Dropped In Sequels

1. All Of The Weapons! - Mirror's Edge: Catalyst

Batman Shock Gloves

Oh dear, what’s happened here?

With video game sequels, people expect, much like their film counterparts, for things to be bigger and better, which was certainly not the case when it came to Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.

The title ended up being a shallow reflection of the original across the board, making things feel substantially linear and phone in, yet the biggest crime of all? Removing the ability to use any weapon in the game!

Now while the weapons on offer in the original were pretty standard fare in the grand scheme of things, being able to parkour over obstacles, slider under guards, and then quickly snatch guns out of their hands to be used against them made even basic weapons awesome! After all, you’d just enacted your own mini-action movie stunt, how could that not be amazing?!

Well, Catalyst came along and ruined the fun, by removing this ability to disarm and destroy entirely, making for situations where you felt restricted and even completely underpowered despite you having pulled off moves counter to that! A true shame that removing weapons entirely ended up shooting Catalyst in the foot.

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