8 Annoying Mistakes Video Game Developers Continue To Make

2. Collectables Don't Equate To Gameplay

Assassins Creed Syndicate

Collectables are a fun addition that enhances the gameplay experience in a small and largely unimportant way, the operative word being 'enhance' in that sentence. And while some developers have their collectables be small progress tracking additions, a lot of developers substitute gameplay for collectables.

Assassin's Creed is the most notable perpetrator with collectables being the main side activity beyond the story missions. Flags, chests, fragments, shanties, feathers and a whole host of other meaningless pieces of tat became fodder that packs out the game into a full length title.

It's a pretty important mistake that developers keep makingm despite there being numerous examples of ways to include collectables. Naughty Dog made Uncharted's actually mean something by unlocking small perks and cheats as you found them, and Horizon: Zero Dawn fleshed out the world itself through diary entries and audio diaries, all related to collectable components.

Collectables should have a purpose, not simply acting as checklists on the way to 100% completion. Simple as.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.