8 BEST Movie Tie-In Video Games EVER

4. The Thing

The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
Computer Artworks

The Thing is one of the few cinematic tie-ins endorsed by the original filmmaker, no matter that it didn't actually hit shelves until 20 years after John Carpenter's masterful sci-fi horror movie came out.

The Thing distinguished itself in a few key ways - first off, it functioned as a direct narrative sequel to the 1982 film rather than simply regurgitating its events, and boasted impressively sophisticated AI for the era, with a fear/trust system which required players to earn the trust of their NPCs comrades to avoid disaster.

As such, the game laudably replicates the paranoia-laced terror of Carpenter's film, as well as its sparse Antarctic setting and the visceral horror when the titular entity eventually strikes.

The Thing was a critical and commercial hit upon release, and remained enough of a cult fave that, while a planned sequel was sadly cancelled, Nightdive Studios released a remaster late last year.

More than 15 years before Among Us became a pop-culture phenom, The Thing showed the potential for video games to mine the fear of the unknown.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.